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    Fitness Trainer, Founder

    I was born and raised in Martinique, French-speaking island in the Caribbean.


    In 2004, I moved to the UK and started my career as a Qualified French Teacher.


    I graduated from the University of Lancaster and the University of Paris 8 where I obtained a Master's Degree in FLE (Teaching French as a Foreign Language).


    My fitness journey started with a heartbreak.


    As I was learning to navigate through pains and sufferings in life, I found great pleasure in working out during my free time. It gave me confidence, joy, and a deep sense of purpose. Also, my body began to transition into a more athletic shape. From that point on, working out had already become a VOCATION. MY passion !


    Then, I competed as a Bikini athlete in 2012 for the first time and it was definitely a life-changing experience for me. Therefore, I decided to end my teaching career to become a personal trainer. What a transition ! I followed my heart, and in doing so, I have helped many people to get back into shape and reach their fitness goals.


    For me, fitness is about finding purpose. Fitness in itself is an entire source of motivation to carefreely be yourself and find your true calling in life. Also, fitness helps you reach higher levels of self-control, confidence and happiness.


    My goal is to share with you my passion for fitness and translate it into a path of self-development in your lives.


    My training program is centered around our basic values and has become a trigger to answer the deep questions we all have in life.


    Who am I ? Why am I here ? You know now ! Let's do this together for a while. I am waiting for you.



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    Soly fit program

    Workout anywhere, anytime

    The Soly Fit Program is a 4-month inclusive training program based on the principles I use to train my body during the months of preparation before getting ready for a physique contest.


    It's not easy to go through a transition like this, especially within ourselves where our motivation may wear out from time to time.


    As an athlete, I fully understand the dynamics of consistency and results based on the power within and the power to train with a professional or coach who will be able to trigger you positively and bring your motivation back when needed.


    For this reason, this progressive program is split up in three new versions with new moves and sessions every semester.

    As you grow in strength and power, the program intensifies to keep you challenged and motivated in oder to bring out of you the results you want to see in your body in a short period of time !


    To take part in this program, you will need to have a pair of kettlebells of 8 or 6 kgs (18 or 13 lbs).


    So, clearly training alone is not an option ! The workout videos are designed to make you feel close, warm and welcomed.


    Nutrition and the related exercises in the workbook are discussed thoroughly during webinars hosted by your coach who answers your questions and provides clear advices to create and implement a successful personalised nutrition plan.



    Let's do it together !

  • "I love SOLY's workouts. She promotes high-intensity, quick workouts

    three times a week, where you get the most results for the minimum time."
